Monday, January 29, 2007

It's snowing! It's snowing!

Right around Billy's birthday, Portland had its yearly requisite Snow. Since there was no buzz beforehand, I figured it would melt within hours, so I left for work early and made my way through the gentle flurries.

Here's my view as I was stopped on the Hawthorne bridge, heading into downtown. Look at the snow already piled on my car!

Go, little subaru, go!

Unfortunately, my work closed after a few hours and I drove home mostly in first gear (5 miles- yikes!). For once, I didn't drive like a freaked-out Oregonian, which I'm very proud of.

Billy's truck wasn't having any driving, so he took the bus downtown, only to get stuck about 1/2 a mile from the bridge. Eventually he learned that PSU was closing, and alternately helped push cars up the street and hitched home.

Also, happy birthday, Billy!


Linda J. Meikle (Former Linda Cash) said...

What a difference between the two pictures. Glad you got home safely. Glad Billy enjoyed his favorite ice-cream on his birthday with his favorite girl!

Love, Mama Linda

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